My $0.02 Worth of Thoughts
This blog was created so that I can look back and remember the quirky things that happen in life. It's just a more sophisticated journal/scrapbook. The downside is my family and friends know what's happening in my life before my hubby does! :) Just kidding.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I am really thankful to God for the mountain of blessings that is continually heaped upon us. I don't think I deserve any of it, it is just His faithfulness in pouring out His blessings ceaselessly. There are so many instances. I will try to journal them here starting with the most recent. I never want to forget and I want our boy to know one day too.
When I came back from Malaysia, and decided I wanted to go back to work, I started searching for a daycare for Cael. I called a few. Visited two. I was never comfortable about putting Cael in a 'school' environment. I happened to find his babysitter by chance. I had search the advertisements, craigslist, google. I found this lady who had advertised in the 'wrong' section of craigslist. Instead of going under 'childcare' heading, she listed her ad under 'household services'. I just happened to search google by typing in my criteria and hers was a search that came up. And they say the rest is history. She is a nice lady with a very nice home who also takes care of her grandchild. She is also a Christian, I think. Since there is a plague in her house that says Christ is the head of this house. :) She lives 5 minutes away from our house.
So once I found Cael his daycare, I started looking for a job. You already know how I got this job. I have blogged it. So that is another blessing. The part I will add is that I like this job. It is interesting. Basically I have a boss, but mostly I do my job unsupervised. My boss is very nice and friendly and she does not boss me around. I have good co-workers. No office politics (yet!). Found me a lunch buddy but I will have to tell her I sometimes like to sit in my car and read my book and have some peace and quiet. And my office is VERY near us so if something happens with Cael, I can get him in a short amount of time. This is indeed a blessing.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Cael's Boo-Boo
Cael embarrassed his parents last Friday at daycare. When Karen (daycare provider) went to pick him up from his nap, the boy had smeared poop all over himself. I am sure he must have ate some too since he puts everything in his mouth. EEEEEEEW! How he managed to do it is anyone's guess. He is getting more creative day by day.
I have to put a onesie on him before I put on his pajamas these days (even when the weather is hot!!) because the boy likes to unzip his pjs and peel off one side of his diaper. One morning, I went to pick him up and his room reeked of peepee. That is when I found out what he had done. Not good because we now run a tight schedule since I have to get to work. So I had to quickly clean him up and change his sheets. For some reason, he wakes up early on weekends and on weekdays he likes to sleep in. I am always waiting on him to get up since I don't like to wake him from his sleep. So it is indeed a blessing my work is 10 minutes away.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Time: Precious Commodity
I find myself with very little time these days. I wake up at around 5:30 in the morning. Take a shower, drink a cup of coffee, get my verse of the day, ponder a little on it, read my emails, get news feed from friends at facebook, play scrabulous, read a little news, check the weather forecast, check to see if housing has gone down, and then it's time to get Cael's stuff ready for daycare. Get me ready for work, get Cael ready for daycare. Leave the house around 7.20am.
Come home at 5.15am. Straight to kitchen to prepare dinner for family. Eat dinner, clean up. Spend some time with Cael before beddy bed.
7.30pm. Finally get a chance to relax again. This is when I get a chance to update my blog. Or facebook. Or write emails, which I don't do very much these days. People who read my blogs don't email me because they already know what's going on with me. People I keep in touch with on facebook don't need to email me because we are already in touch. :)
I go to sleep around 10pm if not earlier :). The day has taken its toll on my old body haha!