My $0.02 Worth of Thoughts

This blog was created so that I can look back and remember the quirky things that happen in life. It's just a more sophisticated journal/scrapbook. The downside is my family and friends know what's happening in my life before my hubby does! :) Just kidding.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Recap 2008

Happy New Year!

Here are the highlights of 2008.

January - Finally got hired permanently with Ferguson. Did not expect this as people were getting laid off everywhere I turned! Ferguson is a distributor of plumbing supplies ie, bathtubs, toilets, showers, water heaters, so the housing crisis directly impacted the company. SO THANK GOD I still have a job!

Cael turned 2 on the 29th. No birthday party. Just a tiny gathering with the Scotties and David Matthews and family.

April - Joined 24 Hour Fitness. Ashamed to say I have only been there less than 10 times at the close of 2008.

May - Finally moved into new home after much struggle with the whole escrow process. The nest few months saw us busy turning the house into home. Spent lots of money, drained lots of savings! But well worth it!

Mid-August - Cael started potty training. Was not as difficult as anticipated. Baby sitter helped a lot. The process took less than 3 weeks. But Cael has turned into a toilet tourist! Everywhere we go, he loves to check out the restroom. (Need to go potty, Mama!)

October - George and family came for a 3 week visit. Had loads of food and fun!
October was a bad month at work. News of people getting laid off was rampant. The morale was low. Contemplated buying a bigger SUV but soon decided against it. Now is not the time to get into more debt. Job uncertainties abound but God is faithful.

November - Joined the Pampered Chef business to get out of the house once or twice a month to have fun and socialize.
Celebrated Thanksgiving 3 times - One at the Burge's home, one at my home, and another one during Home Group.
Company did not celebrate Thanksgiving.

December - Gerald went to the ER again this Christmas because of food poisoning. Last year same time went to ER for stomach flu. We celebrated Christmas at Lucille's BBQ on eve.
Company did not hold Christmas party.
Had a New Year's Eve party at our home with friends. Lame-o's did not last until midnite! Last guests left at 11.30pm. Made a new dessert called Banana Split Cake. It might be the best dessert yet but completely fattening!!

What will 2009 bring?


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