My $0.02 Worth of Thoughts

This blog was created so that I can look back and remember the quirky things that happen in life. It's just a more sophisticated journal/scrapbook. The downside is my family and friends know what's happening in my life before my hubby does! :) Just kidding.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Nail Spas and Margaritas

Started yesterday morning with an extreme nail makeover thingy. Could get used to being that pampered if I didn't mind the duration. It lasted for about 2.5 hours. Started with a scrub and ended with a french manicure and painted toe nails with glittery stuff. And in between, there were masks, saran wraps and massages.
Then went out in the evening for a margarita to mark the end of my 'singledom' vacation. Hehe..sounds like I have been out being Paris Hilton but the truth of the matter is, I have been a good girl, I have. It was just me and my friend being silly that's all. And those who know me know I can't drink much alcohol, if at all. So despite the margarita being a watered down one, I only managed to sip half the glass. But it was nice, two married women out for a drink and just sitting and relaxing in the open air enjoying the company.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Cael and Great-Grandma

Cael and Darshini

Cael and Food

Cael with an ice chip in his mouth.

Cael is eating lots of variety of food now but I think his favorite are the buns we get from the bakery. He loves those. I guess its because they are sweet. He also eats the food we put on his tray. Most of the time. He loves crunchy stuff and is not a fan of soft-textured food. In the mornings, he usually gets a slice of dry toast. I have not been very strict about his foos intake so he has been experiencing a lot of different foods including junk! oops. Te food police is coming to get me! I let him try coca-cola once and he scrunched up his face when the gas hit him. He gets M&Ms from Uncle Edward. He loves keropok (kind of cracker). He eats the porridge my mom cooks for him, usually has pork, sweet potatoes, carrot and Marmite. He ran out of baby food a long time ago so had no choice! But he allows my mom to feed him new foods. He likes roti canai like his dad.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Cael and His Mama

Cael is finally leaving my legs alone. He no longer holds on to them. In fact he doesn't even look for me anymore. Today his mama went to get her hair done (again! yeah, I cannot make myself sit in the salon chair for hours and hours so I am doing my hair in stages) and he spent the day with his grandmother at his great-grandmother's home. They all had a swell time while his mama wondered how he was doing. He did very well. Not a peep nor squeek! Methinks Cael will be more than fine left with his grandmother for a few days while his mama and dada go on a short honeymoon. :) He is also not as afraid of strangers anymore. So this vacation is doing him a lot of good, being exposed to all kinds of human beings and animals :-D

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Cael Pics

Cael and Pepper

My Mother's Garden

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Down Memory Lane

We drove down to Melaka yesterday. This is the small town in which I was born to. Driving past the street that eventually leads to my mother's house, I noticed that everything remains as it had 25 years ago, when I was a mere child. The 'chai tau kway' seller is still there in the exact same spot. The chinese medicine shop is where it is looking the worse for wear. Seems like time had stood still while I was growing up. In times like these, I wonder if I walked over to my once best friend's house... will she still be there?
Flashes of images pass through my mind as I drive down this road where I grew up. Those days when we walked behind our house to get to the beach to poke at the holes in the sand created by tiny crabs. Cycling with my younger brother sitting behind me and going too fast and making him fall and scrape his knees. And getting punished for it! haha! Walking everywhere! Riding in trishaws because we didn't own cars then. Those were the good old days.
Anyways, I won't be able to post any pictures these few days because someone forgot to bring the memory card reader.

Friday, June 08, 2007


Cael used to have a bouncer just like this when he was a baby. I bought this for a friend who just had a baby and Cael couldn't help climbing onto it and pushing all the buttons. I am guessing he has a vague memory of his babyhood. :)

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Now that's My Kinda Vacation!!

Kissing and Talking to Dada


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Blogger's Block

I was wondering why I have been having blogger's block, as opposed to writer's block! I mean, come on, I am on vacation, there must be lots of exciting things to write about...everything is different! Then I realized that it is because I have been doing stuff but I have done nothing interesting for Cael...the poor baby. This is his vacation too, so he should be having some fun too. So I will take him to a play gym in a mall today. It is way too hot and humid to be outside, besides it has been raining almost every evening. I am waiting to take him swimming too.
For me, I am having a good time catching up with friends. It is nice to reminisce about old times and friendship remains as comfortable as before. Doesn't feel like I have been away for 7 years...
Cael is still apprehensive around strangers but I believe he is more 'relaxed' now. He is getting used to seeing lots of new faces and environments. He is eating better too. He also has a new morning routine now. He likes to go out in the patio to feed the fish in the koi pond.