My $0.02 Worth of Thoughts

This blog was created so that I can look back and remember the quirky things that happen in life. It's just a more sophisticated journal/scrapbook. The downside is my family and friends know what's happening in my life before my hubby does! :) Just kidding.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Facebook - the downfall of blogging

Blogging slowed to a stop after I signed up on Facebook. How sad. I am reading the posts I made here and it certainly brings back sweet and funny memories. I shall contrive to start again. Although I should also confess that going back to work does not leave me with a whole chunk of time to update my blog.
Anyhoo, life has been interesting. Got involved again in worship ministry in the beginning of last year and now, one year later I am no longer in the church. Drama, drama. But not really. Just believe that God has something different in store for us and we shall see what it is. I believe that a lot of change will be happening in our lives.
On the homefront, the husband does not like to take me out to eat anymore. (Have I blogged about this before?) He says that the meals I cook for him is so much better that he cannot imagine paying money for bland food. In fact, he just called me the best cook yesterday! You must know that when I came to live in the US almost 10 years ago, I did not know how to cook. Well I can cook instant noodles but that was the extent of my expertise in the kitchen. The first year of our married life, my husband was the one who taught me how to cook scrambled eggs, pancakes, spaghetti and meatballs. I have come a long way. Well not much choice really. I guessed I learned to cook out of desperation. There is only so many cheeseburgers and sandwishes I want to eat on a daily basis. No nasi lemak, curry laksa, roti canai, chicken rice, hokkien mee, har meen, chap fan at a moment's notice. People living in Malaysia must take this for granted!
My passion is food, can you tell? :)
Cael is a good boy...most of the time. I think he is very well-behaved. That is what most people tell us when they meet him. So I will take their word for it! :)


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