My $0.02 Worth of Thoughts

This blog was created so that I can look back and remember the quirky things that happen in life. It's just a more sophisticated journal/scrapbook. The downside is my family and friends know what's happening in my life before my hubby does! :) Just kidding.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Stomach Flu

Both my husband and I were bedridden on Christmas Day because we both had stomach flu. It was a nasty experience. His drama started on Christmas Eve when we were having Christmas dinner at our friends' place and he started feeling nauseous. We had to cut short our evening and by midnight, my husband was feeling sick to the stomach, getting cold sweats and chills and shivering. So I called our insurance company nurse hotline and she advised us to get him to the emergency room. So I called our dear friend who drove us to the hospital. There, they ran some tests and hooked him on the IV fluids and anti-nausea medicine. After 3 hours, the doctor said he could go as it was a stomach flu that was going around.
Around that time, I started feeling sick too. By the time we got in bed, I was feeling sick too. And sure enough, started throwing up everything I ate not long after. The worst thing about stomach flu for me is not the throwing up or even the diarrhea, it is the aching of the whole body and feeling too weak to do anything besides laying in bed. So that was pretty much what we both did on Christmas Day and poor Cael couldn't understand why his parents would not play with him or do anything. Mostly we just let him play in our room by himself or watch his DVDs while mom and dad kept coming in and out of consciousness.
That is one sickness I would not care to experience again. I am just very thankful that Cael has not caught it.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Still don't think America in on a recession? The world's largest plumbing supplies distributor has been laying off people due to the housing market taking such a huge downturn. We are even getting 3 minutes motivational videos on our PC telling us to stay encouraged while our co-workers are laid off left and right.
Last week was such a horrible time for me. When our bosses came back from a 4 day meeting, they started calling people in to the office. And one by one, the unfortunate ones got let go. It was a very sad experience for me because I never expected that our dept would be touched by this too. That's because most of us were new hires (well, not me, I am not a permanent staff yet, still under temp agency).
I can only think it is by God's grace that I am still there though truthfully, I am not sure if I will stay there. I am just in a wait and see situation.
And you can know how serious it is when we start getting emails telling us to put our pc on hibernate when we leave instead of screen saver mode because it takes less energy. Every penny counts now.
So I'm kinda in between a rock and a hard place. At the same time I want the house prices to go down, I don't want to be out of a job! haha..