My $0.02 Worth of Thoughts

This blog was created so that I can look back and remember the quirky things that happen in life. It's just a more sophisticated journal/scrapbook. The downside is my family and friends know what's happening in my life before my hubby does! :) Just kidding.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cael Updates

Cael can point to stuff he wants you to get for him. He can open the plastic lid off his baby puffs. He will go find and take a few sips of his cup when we say 'Drink your juice'. He will insist on taking his own soiled diaper (wrapped tightly) to the diaper disposal and put it in. He will run to the door when we put on our shoes. He will look towards the door when I ask him, 'Where's dada?' He will bring me a container if he wants me to help him open it. And a myriad of things I cannot remember right now. So why can't he go potty!!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Solution (No Pun Intended)

I finally found the solution to make Cael drink his milk from a sippy cup. As previously posted he would only drink water or juice from cup but rejects milk. He only wants it from his bottle but I have cut off all but his bedtime one. So, a friend suggested giving him chocolate milk instead. So I bought Nesquik, chocolate powder but with less sugar, and mixed it with his regular milk. Cael loves it. He actually gets mad when he finishes the cup and wants more...So that is a relief! I also bought him some Gummy Bear Calcium Vites which he loves too. No more worries about him not getting enough calcium. Now I just have to be concerned if he is eating enough. Compared to what other children his age eats....I think he eats way too little. But we'll see...not like I am going to force feed him.


I finally caved and applied for naturalization to become a US citizen. Figured my husband was one, my son was one, I might as well be one and stop being double-minded about it. I have to pledge my allegiance just as Ruth did in the Bible. Then I asked myself what if my husband died? Will I want to stay in USA? Well I guess I do? I suppose I owe it to my son to have him raised in his dad's legacy of freedom. I don't know. Okay I am probably delving too deep into it.
I actually applied for it because they were going to hike the fees to $675 in June and make the tests harder too. Surprisingly, it was so much easier than applying for a green card. I just have to basically take 2 passport pictures and fill out the application and of course hand over $400. Now just have to wait for the fingerprinting and interview and oath. Then go and renounce my Malaysian citizenship at the Malaysian embassy.
I also figured that in future, should my husband decide to teach overseas or something, the paperwork will be much easier for us. Plus I don't have to worry about changing my Malaysian ID card again or renew my passport. And I can get my money out from the EPF and buy me more LV bags!
Well no actually, because our trip to Malaysia this summer will take a huge chunk out of our savings! But we are excited that Cael will see where his Chinese eyes came from!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Throwing in the Towel

Can one resign from motherhood? This is what I feel like doing today. Too bad it doesn't exist. Which is probably a good thing because when a new day rises tomorrow, I probably can't wait to get the little one from his crib in the morning. But today, I wish I could just turn back the clock to when I was still single, without a care in the world except catering to my selfish self. I can relax when I want to. Go out when I want to (as opposed to catering to Cael's schedule). Having my world revolve around ME instead of someone else. To become a mother is to die to yourself a thousand million times.
Cael did not do anything particularly unusual that made me feel this way. Well he did throw a fit this morning. I couldn't take him out for his usual walk/park since it was cold and gloomy with a slight sprinkle, and I guess he was quite quite bored at home amongst his million toys that he doesn't touch. Many times my husband and I have looked at each other and wonder if this is our child because we are such homebodies and this boy live to go out on the streets. Anyway, I guess I just felt like a lazy day and was not up to entertaining the child. He would have been quite happy if I had turned on Baby Einstein and let him watch all day long, but I limit his watching to 1/2 - 1 hour a day (broken up). Hence, he was grouchy which made me wish I could have a break from my life. Any trades?

Monday, March 12, 2007

Just for Pat

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Cael's First Dip in a Pool

Today was hot so we took Cael for his first pool experience. Geared with a floating swimsuit and little swimmer's diapers, he took his first dip into icy cold water. The day was hot but the water was still quite quite cold! Brrrr! But Cael really enjoyed it even though he was shivering! He didn't want to leave. Haha! His swimsuit did not work out well so we will buy him a baby float tomorrow I guess.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Random Pics

Trying to catch him playing peek-a-boo unsuccessfully due to a slow camera.
Resting during a meal.
Cael claps his hands when you tell him he's a clever boy or 'good job!'

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Cael and TMX Elmo

Cael's granddad got him a TMX Elmo yesterday. Cael had a blast! He was trying to chase after Elmo and also imitating Elmo. It was hilarious.