My $0.02 Worth of Thoughts

This blog was created so that I can look back and remember the quirky things that happen in life. It's just a more sophisticated journal/scrapbook. The downside is my family and friends know what's happening in my life before my hubby does! :) Just kidding.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Embracing Quietness

Ah! The peace that comes after the baby has gone to bed. Not that I do not enjoy my little Cael, but he is a very active little boy especially right before he goes to bed. So this hour of the evening is a time I get to just sit, relax and be with myself and my thoughts. I do feel a little guilty for leaving my husband by himself but I really need this time to be ALONE. A cup of coffee would be soooooo good but unfortunately, age has caught up and I do not want to spent the rest of the night tossing and turning in bed.
My husband, Gerald is his name, recently bought a bike and I mean a motorcycle (none of that scooter bikes they ride in Malaysia). I mean a REAL bike... I also don't mean a bicycle (Ray, if you ever read this, this comment is meant for you!) So he has been taking some lessons and will soon have his license. He has only been waiting for this day since I knew him. Maybe longer...So that is a dream realized. Now, I have to find something to dream about so that it has a chance to come true. :)


Blogger Kenji's Dad said...

Take some videos and post them in youtube!

5:11 AM  
Blogger jewlzshu said...

Eventually...if i ever get a videocam.

9:55 AM  

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