My $0.02 Worth of Thoughts

This blog was created so that I can look back and remember the quirky things that happen in life. It's just a more sophisticated journal/scrapbook. The downside is my family and friends know what's happening in my life before my hubby does! :) Just kidding.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Good day. Today is my first time blogging and my brains are scrambling around trying to find something interesting to share to nobody. As usual, I wait until everyone else is already on and am the last one to hop onto the blog train.
Something about me. I do not like melted butter on my toast. I always let my toast cool completely before spreading the butter. And secretly I am hoping I am unique in this so that I am someone un-mediocre but there are probably tons out there who do the same. Hah! But do they also like to spread their peanut butter on hot toast so it melts and become runny and gooey? I think not! (sure.)
Okay... A little bit about moi. I am a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM). My baby boy Cael was born 8 months ago. My days are spent cleaning poopy diapers and wondering what to feed my baby food jar challenged little boy. Talking about poopy diapers, my husband says that I have an endless fascination about them. He says he is tired of me asking him to describe Cael's poop to me when he changes the little boy. But you must hear my story before you judge me.
When he was a little bitty baby, his poop started having blood in them. When I took him to his pediatric, the quack doctor told me to send him to do a Meckel Scan at the hospital... This procedure is invasive..they inject some dye onto him and then do an x-ray to see where he is bleeding internally. Naturally, as a MOTHER, I do not want to put my child through I requested a second opinion..and all it turned out to be was that my son has some anal fissures which bleed everytime he passes stool because his stools were kinda explosive and very we changed his diet to include some solids and voila! anal fissures are gone, said bloody stools are gone too. So that is why I have a fascination with my son's stools. I am learning to relax though..It is a process.
So what do you think? Cold toasts and bloody stools make for good first impression?


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