My $0.02 Worth of Thoughts

This blog was created so that I can look back and remember the quirky things that happen in life. It's just a more sophisticated journal/scrapbook. The downside is my family and friends know what's happening in my life before my hubby does! :) Just kidding.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


No, it is not as bad as it sounds, just annoying. Wikipedia explains this condition:
"Earworm, a loan translation of the German Ohrwurm, is a term for a song stuck in one's head, particularly an annoying one."
I had an earworm stuck in my head this evening and the song is 'Feliz Navidad' Gerald is practicing this song on his guitar because he will be meeting his class before the Christmas break just to introduce himself so they know who to expect when they come back. And ALL evening long, this song has been playing again and again in my head. Argh!
I read once that one way to get rid of earworms is to sing the song until the end and make sure you end the song with a grand finale in your head. So I did this long loud crescendo, holding on to the last note until I am out of breath! (just in my head, not out loud) I think it works. Well it did until I started writing this the song is back in my head! Blast it all!


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